□ Another product Product name : Granolien (original, tangerine, pineapple)
□ Product Introduction: This is handmade granola made with clean Jeju buckwheat and oats. You can enjoy granola in three different flavors: Original with a fragrant taste, Tangerine with dried high-quality seasonal tangerines, and Pineapple with the sweet and sour taste of gold pineapple.
□ Product Features
Point 1 / Use of Jeju high-quality buckwheat and oats_ Oats are rich in beta-glucan and soluble dietary fiber, which is effective for diet management
Point 2 / A simple meal that keeps you full for a long time if you eat it together with yogurt, milk, or soy milk
Point 3 / Low in sugar and sodium, high in calcium and dietary fiber, so it balances nutrients that are easy to miss while managing your diet